Open Air Sluts 3

With an unbelievable runtime of 255 minutes this brand new movie is stuffed with one scorchingly hot open air scene after the other! It certainly adds a special buzz to outdoor sex that you always face the risk you might be caught in the act, but feeling the fresh air on your face, your body and not to mention your balls. oh, that feeling compensates every bite from vermin and mosquitoes 🙂 In the third installment of “Open Air Sluts cock-warriors like David Hanson, Benjamin Dunn, Tim Walker, Brad Fitt, Rudy Valentino, Tim Law and many others get naked and horned-up al-fresco!

Watch the Full Length, High Quality Movie!

It certainly adds a special buzz to outdoor sex that you always face the risk you might be caught in the act, but feeling the fresh air on your face, your body – and not to mention your balls….

Categories: Outdoors Anal Bareback Twink International Gay Euro

Scene Number: 6

Orientation: Gay

Studio Name: Staxus

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